Developer API Authentication
You need an account on ShipBob dashboard if you don't have one already to generate these credentials.
- Signup for Production Environment.
- Signup for Sandbox Environment.
Supported Authentication methods
ShipBob's Developer API allows 2 forms of authentication, depending on the use case: Personal Access Token (PAT) or OAuth 2.0.
- Personal Access Token (PAT) flow - If you're building a single-user custom integration, you can use this method. This generates a ready-to-use bearer-type token with full access to the merchant's account.
- You can generate credentials from the ShipBob dashboard.
- For Production Environment, click here.
- For Sandbox Environment, click here.
- You can generate credentials from the ShipBob dashboard.
- OAuth flow - If you are building an integration or app that will be multi-user or listed on our App Store, you must use this flow.
- You can generate credentials from the ShipBob dashboard.
- For Production Environment, click here.
- For Sandbox Environment, click here.
- You can generate credentials from the ShipBob dashboard.
NOTE: All API authentication operates against the root user of the account. When requesting a PAT token or installing an OAuth app, you should do so against the root user.
Personal Access Token (PAT) Flow
When you request your first PAT, ShipBob automatically generates an application (called "SMA" or single-merchant application) and channel to house all your future PATs. You can request as many as you like, and revoke them at any time.
NOTE: These tokens do not expire, so be extremely cautious when sharing them.
Your PAT should automatically have read and write access to the entire ShipBob account.
To use your PAT, just provide the token as an Authorization header formatted like this:
bearer [your_api_token]
First you should use your PAT to hit the GET Channel endpoint, so you can use your channel ID in the headers of subsequent API calls. Your response will look like this:
"id": 56232,
"name": "Personal Access Token Thursday, March 19, 2020",
"application_name": "SMA",
"scopes": [
"channels_read orders_read orders_write products_read products_write receiving_read receiving_write returns_read returns_write inventory_read"
OAuth Flow
To finish the authentication process, your app will have to do the following:
- Request a client ID and client secret.
- Request authorization from a ShipBob user.
- Retrieve an authorization code from a provided callback.
- Exchange the authorization code for an access token.
- Begin making API calls.
Step 0: Get Familiar with OAuth 2.0
At ShipBob, we use OAuth 2.0 for its robust security and relatively universal implementations.
If you’re not familiar, you can read more about working with OAuth’s hybrid flow here.
NOTE: If you want to use Postman or a similar tool to hit our API endpoints during testing, ensure that your redirect URL is set up EXACTLY as you entered when you requested access, and Postman is set up for OAuth 2.0
Step 1: Generate a Client ID and Secret for your Application
You can generate these from the ShipBob dashboard.
- For Production Environment, click here.
- For Sandbox Environment, click here.
Generated client will have access to the following scopes:
Scope | Description |
orders_read | Read information about a user’s orders. |
orders_write | Create and modify orders for a user. |
products_read | Read information about a user’s products (application SKUs). |
products_write | Create and modify products for a user. |
fulfillments_read | Read information about a user’s shipments and fulfillments. |
inventory_read | Read information about a user’s inventory (physical items). |
channels_read | Read channel to get the id for operations of other API calls. This is required. |
receiving_read | Read receiving is required to retrieve Warehouse Receiving Orders from the user account. |
receiving_write | Read receiving is required to create Warehouse Receiving Orders on behalf of the user account. |
returns_read | Required to retrieve Returns on behalf of the user account. |
returns_write | Required to create or modify Returns on behalf of the user account. |
webhooks_read | Read access to a user's webhooks is required to interact with the Webhooks API. Note: each webhooks topic will also be tied to the auth policy for the underlying resource (e.g. order_shipped is tied to orders_read). |
webhooks_write | Write access to create or delete webhook subscriptions on behalf of a user account. |
locations_read | Required to retrieve associated Locations from the user account. |
offline_access | Enable refresh token functionality when requesting tokens (bypass /connect/authorize after initial token grant). |
Step 2: Request Permission to See User's Data
Once you have your client ID and secret, you can use them to get a user’s permission to access their account data. You start by making a request to the following endpoint:
The following query parameters are allowed for this endpoint:
Parameter | Values | Required? |
client_id | Client id provided by step 1. | required |
scope | One or more scopes granted by step 1, space-separated. NOTE: if you want to take advantage of refresh tokens (aka offline access mode) you must additionally request the “offline_access” scope. | required |
redirect_uri | The callback URI ShipBob will call after the user responds to the request for consent. Must match one of the provided values from step 1. | required |
response_mode | If you include this query parameter with value form_post then we will make a POST request to your callback URL, instead of including the data as a fragment. |
optional |
state | Application-provided string to help prevent replay attacks. Echoed back to the application in the callback for validation. | recommended |
nonce | A random string you can send and we will send it back within the token, to prevent replay attacks, code substitutions, etc. | recommended |
integration_name | Name of the integration for this particular user. We recommend that you know the user’s store name on your platform. If not provided, the user will be prompted to provide their name or choose one from a drop-down of options. | recommended |
NOTE: These parameters must be URL encoded, particularly
A very basic example call to our integrate endpoint will look like this:
scope=products_read channels_read offline_access&
Step 3: Implement Your Callback URI
Now that you’ve made a call to the "integrate" endpoint, the granting of permission is entirely within the user’s hands. Whether they grant or not, your application must implement a GET endpoint with the following URI fragment parameters:
Parameter | Value |
error | String; “access_denied” if the user selects deny. Not present if the user selects allow |
state | Echoed state string provided in step 2. Not present if the user selects deny |
code | Authorization code string used to request a token. Valid for 2 minutes and only works once. Not present if the user selects deny |
scope | The scopes granted by the user, space-separated. Maybe a subset of scopes requested by the app unless all scopes are marked as “required” |
By default, we will call the following:
scope=channels_read orders_read orders_write
NOTE: the data will return as a fragment, not a query string.
ShipBob will attempt to call this endpoint when the user completes the consent step.
If you use response_mode=form_post
we will make a POST request to the callback URI, with the data contained in the body, something like this:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
As mentioned, the URI must match exactly one of the provided callback URIs from step 1. If the user selects allow, it’s highly recommended that you validate the response against a provided state string to prevent replay attacks.
Step 4: Get Your Access Token
Within the 2-minute expiration window of the authorization code, you can now request an access token that allows you to make API calls. You will have to POST to the following endpoint:
Which will return the following response:
"access_token": "your_api_token",
"expires_in: "3600",
"token_type": "bearer"
If you request the offline_access
scope, you will be provided with a refresh_token
parameter. You can then use that to make a separate call to /connect/token
with a body that looks like this:
NOTE: Access tokens are good for 1 hour before they expire. Request a refresh token before the access token expires. The refresh token is valid for 30 days.
When posting, make sure your Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Congratulations! Now you can start making API calls. You’re going to want to do this first though...
Step 5: Get Your Channel ID
A channel is a specific installation of an application built by a vendor on top of our API – e.g. “Kevin’s Shopify Store #133432.”
Every call you make to a ShipBob API resource using a write scope must include the shipbob_channel_id
header. The channel is used to identify where the data originally came from. By default, applications must also pass the shipbob_channel_id
header when using a read scope for many ShipBob API resources and will only receive data from the channel passed in the header.
OAuth Applications that are granted multi-channel permissions will receive data from all channels that belong to a merchant when making a call to a ShipBob API resource using a read scope. However, multi-channel applications making a call to a ShipBob API resource using a write scope can only write on behalf of their channel.
But how do you get the Channel ID? By querying our Channels API. Using your shiny new token, make the following call:
This will respond with all of the channels that a user has authorized for your client:
"id": 12345,
"name": "integration_name_unique_to_user"
You must provide the access token generated in step 4 as an Authorization
header formatted as bearer your_api_token
as well as a content_type
header of “application/json”. You can then use this channel_id in your headers for all subsequent API calls.
How to find channel ID with multi-channel applications?
- Make request to the GET Channels endpoint
- Iterate through each channel in the channels array
- Extract the id of the channel that contains
For example, you create an app called My Awesome App. You make a request to the GET Channels endpoint. The channel ID you would use is 567890 since that is the only channel that contains _write
"id": 123456,
"name": "Privileged Access Token Friday, November 30, 2024",
"application_name": "SMA",
"scopes": [
"id": 567890,
"name": "My Awesome App",
"application_name": "My Awesome App",
"scopes": [
"id": 987654,
"name": "ShipBob Default",
"application_name": "ShipBob",
"scopes": [
And that’s it! Now you can make ShipBob API calls to your heart’s content. Note that for now, API calls will be rate-limited to 150 requests per minute using a sliding window, and will be totaled per user, per application across calls to any of the ShipBob APIs.